Iron Fist (Danny Rand-K'ai)

Marvel Comics
Marvel Comics

Just as Booster Gold and Blue Beetle took 'guy love' to another level, Power Man and Iron First shared a bond that goes beyond BFFs. While Luke Cage aka Power Man was married, The Iron Fist fell in love with Misty Knight. However, when he and three other dudes (Weasel, Cable, Deadpool) got hit by Black Mamba, who has the power to make you see your deepest, darkest desire, there were suggestions the guys got down.

The Great Machine (Mitchell Hundred)

DC Comics / Wildstorm
DC Comics / Wildstorm

The civil engineer becomes permanently scarred and gifted with the ability to control and communicate with machines after an extradimensional device explodes at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge. He takes on the name, 'The Great Machine' as an ode to Thomas Jefferson and wears a rocket backpack that allows him to fly. On 9/11, he saves the second World Trade Center tower from destruction, reveals his identity, runs for Mayor of NYC and wins.

Raised by a highly political single mother, Mitchell's been asked on numerous occasions if he's gay, but never gives a solid response. His best friend Rick Bradbury is a retired Marine who serves as Mitchell's personal confidante and aide. While heading into mortal danger his last words were "Tell Bradbury I loved him".

Ozymandias (Adrian Veidt)

DC Comics
DC Comics

"The smartest man on the planet" and superfan of Ramesses II was a founding member of the Watchmen and mastermind behind the plan to unite the world against nuclear war by destroying New York City and blaming it on Dr. Manhattan.

His political stance is liberal, and his personality can be described as 'genial', even though he has a superiority complex. He believes everyone is capable of personal greatness and is vegetarian. Rorschach noted he was "possibly homosexual", which coming from a possible homosexual might hold water.

Deadpool (Wade Wilson)

Marvel Comics
Marvel Comics

His mother died of cancer while he was young and his father (who was in the military) was physically abusive. Wade was a delinquent as a teen. The disfigured, disgruntled, and mouthy mercenary flirts with guys and girls alike.

He wore Marvel Girl's costume and showed off her yellow panties to distract Cable with his legs. When infected by Black Mamba, we found out his greatest fantasy was applying sun-tan lotion to Cable. Then, of course, there's all the innuendo when talking about his genetic merging and 'bodysliding' with Cable. At some point, the joke become serious.

Deadshot (Floyd Lawton)

DC Comics
DC Comics

Growing up, Deadshot idolized his brother before accidentally killing him when trying to murder their abusive dad. Many believed this caused the assassin to have an attachment to Suicide Squad leader Rick Flag, and was the root for his inability to kill Batman. His later friendship with Catman in the Secret Six seems to continue Lawton's unwitting gravitation towards surrogate brothers. Secret Six writer Gail Simone stated Deadshot's partner, Catman, is bisexual. Other characters jokingly say the two are in love, but their final issue implied it may be legitimate. In a second mini-series released in 2005, Deadshot discovered he had a daughter. Could it be Deadshot is bi as well?


DC Comics
DC Comics

Blithe once served under vampire demon Carnivore whom she had a crush on. Comet was a male-female creature composed of Andrea Martinez and Andrew Jones that fused together. Blithe used her powers to exploit the Andrea's feelings after getting rejected by Supergirl and convince him-her to work for Carnivore and attack Supergirl aka Matrix. However, Supergirl was able to help Comet overcome his-her manipulation and defeat Blithe, who was paralyzed as a result.

After Carnivore refused to help, Blithe flew to an evil scientist who merged her with the evil half of Matrix, thus reversing her paralysis. Though Comet's got the best of both worlds, and Blithe is cool with either side, we see her loving Andrea more.

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