Be it a kitchen or a world of warlocks and dragons, a wise warrior knows that the right weapons are always the key to victory. What if a company were to combine the weapons used in the kitchen with the weapons used in warfare?

The creation would probably look something like Combat Kitchenware.

The fine people of Morlock Enterprises introduce their line of killer skillets, made specifically for the weekend warrior or plain old hungry warrior. The only catch is the company has only created a prototype so far because the things are so damn expensive to manufacture. Enter the magical, mythical creature known as Kickstarter. Actually, it might just be a website. We're not good with all this Dungeons and Dragons stuff.

"One pan is easy. However, enough pans to indulge the epic needs of our fellow culinary warriors takes a bit more. To that end, I am hoping to use this kickstarter to help fund the molding and tooling to make this project a reality, and get this epic culinary craziness into as many hands as possible. It is my fervent hope that this is but the vanguard of a host of epic culinary implements."

If you want to donate to the cause, and get your own pan, check out the Kickstarter campaign.

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