Like lots of people, when I can't sleep I sometimes end up in a YouTube rabbit hole of weirdness. Lots of times I default to my usual: pimple popping videos, weight loss before-and-after montages with terrible soundtracks, and video responses to political news from people who should have their lips glued together permanently. Once in a while though, I like to branch out and try to find a new rabbit hole.

Disney Princess Impression Videos

Guys, I found a goldmine. Here's the thing: most young girls go through a Disney princess phase; we're raised on the stuff. Then we hit the pre-teen years and most of us jump ship. Most of us.

What we have here is the ones who stayed the course. These girls seem to have an entire closet of Disney costumes at their disposal, which is really, really weird and awesome. The quality of the videos varies so greatly that each click is an adventure into the mysterious mind of the Disney princess adult.

For instance, Heather Traska is a ridiculously talented singer who does an all-acapella medley of Disney songs, including a Sebastian  imitation from (The Jamaican crab from 'The Little Mermaid')

Some of the videos are...less impressive:

Judging by how many views this video has, it's likely that I am the only person it the world who hadn't seen this guy yet:

But my favorite find of the night was Vi:

I took so many screenshots of Vi, because she's so earnest that I felt a puzzling combination of feelings. I was all at once impressed and alarmed, especially when she does Jessica Rabbit in a too-big-for-her dress, and looks like she's on the brink of passing out:

Disney Princess Impression Video

What happened next is none of your business, and involved a whole lot of Disney karaoke. I would feel the need to apologize to my neighbors, if they didn't didn't so often leave their landline phone off the hook all day long, forcing me to listen to the off-the-hook noise for hours at a time. I didn't even know you could have a landline anymore.

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