When a divorce just isn't happening quick enough, grab a gun — that's the logic used by a federal prison guard from Pennsylvania, who badly damaged his finger when he tried to remove his wedding ring by shooting it off with a pistol after a drunken argument with his wife.

Alfredo Malespini III, 31, of Bradford, Pa. told police he was "trying to get rid of his wedding ring" and decided to "shoot it off" after authorities responded to his home in northwestern Pennsylvania in early March. Bad news, right? Worse news — It didn't work. The ring is still on Malespini's disfigured finger. Turns out that the law firm of Smith & Wesson isn't good at divorce cases.

Malespini was taken to a local hospital for treatment — for the finger and for the psyche that made him think taking a ring off with a bullet was a good idea. Police charged him with disorderly conduct, unlawful discharge of a firearm within city limits and reckless endangerment. He is scheduled for arraignment on Mar. 26.

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