Is this an ironic picture? Is it serious? Well, we're not so certain. But we know one thing... it's definitely hilarious.

In staring at the picture, the initial reaction would be to think,:'Hey, that's funny! Of course, this is a joke. It's an ironic sign.' But, really, think about it. Think about the people you know. Perhaps there are people out there who actually think they can somehow get away with sitting on a spiked fence.

Let's look at it this way, people all across the great county of the United States of America pooled together to buy a pet rock! Do you think it's really that hard to imagine some neanderthal-like guy (or girl, but most likely guy) attempting to be the one who can find a comfortable position on the anus-poking fence from hell?

Come on, we've all see Tosh.0. People are crazy!

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