Arcade Sushi Staff

100 Interesting Video Game Facts You Probably Didn’t Know
Over the years, we've amassed an incredible amount of knowledge about our favorite hobby, and now we're ready to share all those glorious factoids with you.

Win a Batman: Arkham Knight PlayStation 4
Rocksteady Studios is readying it's final Arkham adventure with Batman: Arkham Knight. In anticipation for the blockbuster's summer release, Sony's putting out a limited edition Batman: Arkham Knight PlayStation 4. Wouldn't it be nice if you could get that for free?

Win a Playstation 4
Yeah, you read that headline right. We're teaming up with our good buddies from Continue? to give you a chance at winning a PlayStation 4.

20 Best Wii U Games
The legion of Nintendo fans already know that the Wii U has plenty of awesome games to play, but those just jumping into the tablet controller waters may not know where the best experience lie.

Infinity Blade — Free App of the Day
When any game drops from six bucks down to free, it usually catches our attention. But when that game is one of the best games ever for iOS, it smacks our attention in the face. Get it while its hot, ladies and gents. Infinity Blade is today's Free App of the Day!

Shadow Warrior — Free App of the Day
The old school first-person shooter enthusiasts here at Arcade Sushi were a bit disappointed when Shadow Warrior dropped on iOS last December. All the uzi shootin' and ninja star throwin' action just didn't feel the same. Something was off. But now we think we know what the problem was. It's wasn't free! Okay, who knows if it will make the game any better, but at least you don't have to pay anythi

Super Monsters Ate My Condo! — Free App of the Day
It's the one thing that all prospective condo buyers need to worry about: Super Monsters. You know the old story. Just after you seal the deal and move in to your new condo, it's gobbled up by some lousy Super Monsters. Fortunately, Adult Swim is here with a game about this very problem -- Super Monsters Ate My Condo! And wouldn't ya know it, it's today's Free App of the Day.

KungFu Warrior — Free App of the Day
Say now, that guy looks familiar. Could it be? Why yes, that's just gotta be Fei Long! Err, we mean Bruce Lee. Or wait ... it's a different guy? Whatever the case may be, the hero of this game definitely reminds us enough of everyone's favorite legendary martial arts superstar to warrant a download. And that's more than enough reason for you to be interested in KungFu Warrior -- today's Free App o

Kingdom Rush: The Next Adventure Will Arrive This Spring
Kingdom Rush is one of the premier titles on iOS. Shortly after Ironhide Game Studio released it in the summer of 2011, fans have been waiting for a second installment of this flagship tower defense title. Come this spring, the wait will be over!

Supermagical — Free App of the Day
Look out, Harry Potter. There's a new adorable caster of magic on the block. That would be Nina, star of the fun iOS game Supermagical. Join Nina the little witch, in a cool tale that will take you on a magical adventure through different continents full of all kinds of different spells, puzzles, spells, and candy. Oh, and don't forget the Minix. What the heck are Minix? All the more reason to get

Ticket to Ride Pocket — Free App of the Day
I think I'm gonna be happy, I think it's today, yeah. The game that's driving me mad, is right here! We've got a ticket to ride and we definitely care. Actually, what we have is Ticket to Ride Pocket, the iPhone version of the great Ticket to Ride board game. And we have it for free. That's because Ticket to Ride Pocket is today's Free App of the Day!

The Tiny Bang Story — Free App of the Day
Tiny Planet needs your help, since you're a giant and all. Their peaceful little village was hit by a meteor and destroyed. Only through your cleverness and giant fingers can you help restore Tiny Planet to its former, pint-sized glory. Enjoy this UK puzzle/adventure hit today for free! The Tiny Bang Story -- today's Free App of the Day!

EDGE Extended — Free App of the Day
EDGE Extended, which is part of Mobigame's small but excellent lineup of games, is one of the slickest titles you can get on iOS. This is also the first time it's ever been free since it was released back in August of 2011. On that reason alone you should look into getting yourself a copy of EDGE Extended -- today's Free App of the Day!

Mutant Mudds — Free App of the Day
Retro gamers with a shallow wallet take note! Because Mutant Mudds is just the kind of pixel pushing platformer that you've been waiting for. And what a deal too. You can't beat not having to pay anything. Want to have some fun? And do you want that fun to be free? Well, than you need to get acquainted with Mutant Mudds -- today's Free App of the Day!

Overkill 2 Teaser Trailer Online, Game Due in March
A couple of weeks ago, we thought that Overkill 2 would be ready by the end of February. But those crafty devs at Craneballs have outfoxed us all again. The game will be dropping in March now. Man, talk about a delay!

Stickman Ski Racer — Free App of the Day
Is there anything that Stickmen can't do? From skating, to golf, to BMX riding, to uh, getting hanged ... the slim little fellas are up for anything. And for some reason, they are particularly good at skiing. Want proof of this? Well, look no further than Stickman Ski Racer -- today's Free App of the Day!

The Creeps! — Free App of the Day
Those creeps are up to it again. Seriously, what is their problem? They need to quit being so darn ... creepy. But that's what they do best, so can you really blame them? Really, the best thing to do is to fight back against their creepiness. And the best way you can do this is by getting yourself a copy of Super Squawk Software's fun little app, which just so happens to also be today's Free App o

EA Mobile Games Available as Pre-Order Bonuses at
The UK website has an interesting deal going right now up on their site. If you decide to pre-order and buy a physical copy of Crysis 3, Dead Space 3, Sim City, or Army Of Two: The Devil's Cartel, you will be able to download three different EA Mobile games for free! Do tell.

Amateur Surgeon 2 — Free App of the Day
We can always count on Adult Swim to keep the App Store full of wonderfully demented, addictive games. They have a good streak going, that's for sure. And Amateur Surgeon 2 certainly keeps that streak alive. For the best in discount surgery, look no further than today's Free App of the Day -- Amateur Surgeon 2!

Final Freeway — Free App of the Day
If everybody had a Ferrari, across the USA, then everybody'd be cruisin', like Californ-I-A. You'd see 'em wearin' their baggies, Huarache sandals, too. A bushy bushy blonde hairdo, Cruisin' USA. Yeah, everybody's gone cruisin'... Cruisin' USA! Now that you're in a nostalgic mood to play that classic driving video game, look no further than today's Free App of the Day -- Final Freeway!