Chris Urie has been writing everything from reviews to features and interviews since 2010. In addition to being a contributor to Arcade Sushi and Guyspeed, he's a staff writer for Geekadelphia, covering everything from 8-bit music concerts to interviews with prominent Philadelphia Geeks. He's also the resident bookshelf expert for Quirk Books. You can find more of his occasional musings at his website. When not tweeting @chrisurie, he can likely be found swinging around Columbia on his Skyhook.
Chris Urie
This is Why You Don’t Go Fishing With Grenades
These two guys have taken the old saying "It's like fishing with dynamite" to a whole new level by fishing with hand grenades.
10 Worst Dressed Game Characters
Video game characters get away with physics and death defying feats of sartorial absurdity. This list of the 10 Worst Dressed Game Characters is a parade of scantily clad girls, strangely dressed macho men, and disgustingly dirty side characters...
10 Laziest Pokemon Names
With 650 little monsters in the ever growing ranks of Pokemon, it would only stand to reason that a few of their names would be lacking in the originality department. It doesn’t seem to be too difficult to name the little guys. But sometimes, you gotta get lazy when it comes to doing just that.
10 Hardest Video Games Ever
If you’re up for an old school level of insane difficulty, these 10 hardest video games ever will make you want to hurl your own face through the screen.
10 Funniest Video Game Temper Tantrums
Gamers can be a fickle bunch. We’re passionate about our hobby. We love it. That’s why you get shouting matches over Xbox Live and pelvic thrusting taunts in Uncharted 3 Mulitplayer. When we do well, we want to shout it loud into the nearest microphone. But, some of us aren’t very graceful at losing or keeping our hobby under control. Hence this list of the Funniest Video Game Temper Tantrums.
10 Scariest Moments in Gaming History
There are creepy games then there are downright terrifying games which helped us create this list of the 10 Scariest Moments in Gaming History.
10 Goriest Video Games Ever
Here’s our list of the top 10 goriest games ever to make your stomach turn and to make your parent’s ire rise.
Games are no newcomer to gore. Since their inception, a bit of competition has always been a part of the mix. Pong, for instance, was all about beating your opponent and getting that little pixel past their line of pixels...
10 Best Video Game Beginnings
Here’s a list of the 10 best video game beginnings that made your tongue loll out of your head.
10 Best Video Game Endings Ever
Here's our list for the 10 best video game endings.
10 Hottest Video Game Girls Ever
Here we have a list of the most gorgeous digital divas you've ever laid eyes on.
25 Best Gamecube Games
The Gamecube was one of the most underrated consoles. While people were drooling over the PS2 and the Xbox, the Gamecube was hard at work setting itself apart with a spectacular catalog of games that are classics all these years later.
10 Best Revenge Video Games Ever
Revenge is a dish best served on a disc and with a controller sitting atop the napkin.
10 Video Game Sequels That Will Never Happen
Compiling a list of 10 video sequels that will never happen is a sad endeavor.
10 Best Fictional Video Games
Sometimes the best video games only exist in the annals of the fictional world. Whether they appear in movies or TV shows, some fictional video games are more interesting than their real world counterparts. So we have for your enjoyment a list of the most delightfully fictitious video games ever to grace the large and small screens...
10 Video Games Worth a Second Look
Looking to check out some amazing video games you might have missed? Below is our list of 10 video games worth a second look.
10 Video Games With Terrible Titles
Below is our list of 10 video games with terrible titles that’ll make you cringe so hard you’ll drop your controller. By no means are these games bad, they were just born with unfortunate names.
A good video game title is supposed to be the perfect setup for a game -- it grabs you and throws you into a world without even a glance at the box art...
10 Best Video Game Sidekicks Ever
Here you’ll find our list of the 10 best video game sidekicks to ever embark with you on a digital adventure.
There is nothing better than sharing a video game with a friend. Sometimes it is a person on the couch with you sharing nachos, but other times your friend only exists when there is power running through your console. Thes
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10 Best Sandbox Games Ever
Below you’ll find our list of the 10 best sandbox games for you to make little castles and destroy them with a bazooka.
All of us remember the sandbox somewhere in our childhood. It represented anything you could make with our imagination and a bit of moistened granules...
10 Best Video Games of 2013 [So Far]
Check out our list of the 10 best video games of far.
10 Great Video Games Made Into Terrible Movies
Our list of the 10 great video games made into terrible movies that were ever captured on celluloid.