15 Facts You Might Not Know About ‘Blade Runner’
It’s hard to imagine anyone else besides Harrison Ford as Rick Deckard in Blade Runner. Even Philip K. Dick, who wrote the novel the film is based on said, “If Harrison Ford had not played that role, Deckard would never become an actual person.” But, it almost was not Harrison Ford. Director Ridley Scott was in talks with Dustin Hoffman to star in the film (alongside Blondie lead singer Debbie Harry), before both were recast, just three months before shooting began. That’s just one of the facts packed into the latest episode of You Think You Know Movies, which tracks down replicants with Blade Runner!
You might love Blade Runner, but which version do you love? There have been seven different versions of the film screened over the years including a Workprint, the Theatrical Cut, the International Cut, the Director's Cut and the Final Cut. One of these edits, a test screening in San Diego, included three new scenes that have never been seen since.
“You Think You Know Movies?” is a ScreenCrush original series that dives deep into the cinematic worlds of your favorite movies and freeze frames a few tidbits you might not have known. We’ve already tackled Star Wars, The Avengers and Spider-Man, but now, it’s time to take the Voight-Kampff test with Blade Runner
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