The Babe of the Day
Babe of the Day

Elaine K Ratner — Babe of the Day
She may be recently married, but you don't have to buy the cow to look at the milk on Instagram. I think we messed that up, but you smell what we're cooking.

Lauren Pisciotta — Babe of the Day
Her name rhymes with "Is she hotta?" In virtually every scenario -- the answer is yes.

Sommer Ray — Babe of the Day
Confirmed: Our anaconda definitely wants some.

Sydney Maler — Babe of the Day
Maler? Hardly know 'er. Just kidding. There aren't many verb + 'er combos we're not down for with this one.

Olga Loera — Babe of the Day
This Halloween-loving hottie is always ready to show her boos.

Brittney Shumaker — Babe of the Day
Despite what her name may lead you to believe, she may not make shoes. She does, however, make one's pants a little tighter.

Chloe Poliwka — Babe of the Day
Her Insta name is "pegasusunicorn," which signifies something incredibly rare. She, however, seems incredibly well done.

Nicole Williams — Babe of the Day
This NFL wife is so hot that you'll run the hurry-up offense on accident.

Jasmine Tookes — Babe of the Day
For working with a company that has 'secret' in the name, it sure looks like she doesn't have much to hide.

CJ Miles — Babe of the Day
There's an old belief that the hotter a person is, the more rules they can break. We didn't know "gravity" was on the table in that equation.

Janis True — Babe of the Day
You don't see many babes that look good in aviators, but she pulls it off. She also, literally, pulls off most of her clothes before taking pics to post on Instagram. What a great time to be alive!

Angela Tong — Babe of the Day
Larry David may have beef with tongs, but were willing to bet he'd think this particular Tong is prettay prettay prettay good.

Lauren Hanley — Babe of the Day
Lauren Hanley has us wrapped around her finger. She’s cute as a button, but somehow also super-friggin’ hot. It’s a rare combo. Most girls would kill to be one or the other, but only that rare few manage both. To paraphrase Shakespeare: some are born hot, some achieve hotness, and some have hotness thrust upon them...

Katelynn Ansari — Babe of the Day
Is it just us or does she kind of look like Wonder Woman?

Lena Martinson — Babe of the Day
Chubz? Oh, now we get it... and you'll probably get it too.

Jessica Cribbon — Babe of the Day
You might want to turn on a fan, there's a major smoke show headed straight for you.

Jessica Harbour — Babe of the Day
We're not sure if that's a costume or if she just really likes cleaning. Either way -- we're into it.