A new video has surfaced of a player hitting a score of 999 in Flappy Bird, which appears to be the end of the game. It's there he finds a special guest waiting for him.
Mark Paul Gosselaar, best known as Zack Morris from 'Saved by the Bell,' appears in this YouTube video as Street Fighter's Ryu, who's been told to keep his speech more politically correct while fighting.
The legion of Nintendo fans already know that the Wii U has plenty of awesome games to play, but those just jumping into the tablet controller waters may not know where the best experience lie.
Video game characters get away with physics and death defying feats of sartorial absurdity. This list of the 10 Worst Dressed Game Characters is a parade of scantily clad girls, strangely dressed macho men, and disgustingly dirty side characters...
With 650 little monsters in the ever growing ranks of Pokemon, it would only stand to reason that a few of their names would be lacking in the originality department. It doesn’t seem to be too difficult to name the little guys. But sometimes, you gotta get lazy when it comes to doing just that.
Hey, you know who's awesome? Chun-Li's awesome. So awesome we made a 10 best and hottest Chun-Li cosplays List. Cosplayers think she's awesome too, so we've rounded up what we think are the very best examples of Chun-Li cosplay this side of the multiverse.
If you’re up for an old school level of insane difficulty, these 10 hardest video games ever will make you want to hurl your own face through the screen.
Gamers can be a fickle bunch. We’re passionate about our hobby. We love it. That’s why you get shouting matches over Xbox Live and pelvic thrusting taunts in Uncharted 3 Mulitplayer. When we do well, we want to shout it loud into the nearest microphone. But, some of us aren’t very graceful at losing or keeping our hobby under control. Hence this list of the Funniest Video Game Temper Tantrums.
Between our love of cosplay girls and galleries like this, it's pretty clear that we think gamer girls are sexy. What's even sexier? A girl bad enough to express her devotion to gaming in permanent body ink. A slammin' body doesn't hurt either.
Cosplay girls are a video game nerd's dream come true. Have trouble talking to women because you spend twelve hours a day trying to beat Fire Emblem: Awakening on lunatic difficulty? Fear no more! You'll surely have a few things in common with these beautiful cosplay girls who dress up as some of video games' most legendary and tantalizing characters.
If you haven’t checked them out yet, you should, because only the indie gaming community can bring you magical snipers, mind control office cubicles, and auto-cannibalism.
Check out our list of the 10 best video game memes below. Even if you're not a gamer, you're probably aware of at least several of these and maybe even used a few in your lifetime.