A thrilling experience with atmosphere oozing from every waterlogged pore, Bioshock showed us what narrative in first person shooters could be. It's also a downright scary game. Besides the homicidal Splicers that populate the underwater city, the first time you come across the lumbering monster known as the Big Daddy is terrifying. It only gets worse when you find out what Splicers really are, considering you've killed dozens by that point.

It's also one of the first games that made us question our morals. It's easy to plan to kill the Little Sisters but as you approach the first scared little girl and she crawls backwards to get away from you, terrified, it's impossible not to feel awful at what you were about to do. The gorgeous graphics and unique plasmid powers certainly didn't hurt, either. Bioshock is such an amazing shooter that not even the sequel could touch it.

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