Like playing a watercolor painting done up in Japanese woodcut form, the dazzling Okami was short-lived Clover Studios' finest work.

Playing the wolf-God Amaterasu as she travels around seeking to restore light and beauty to a world plagued with darkness, it seems like a standard action/adventure title at first, despite the visuals. But as you play through Okami you'll learn 13 "Celestial Brush" techniques that let you bring up a canvas and draw on the screen to cast spells that combat enemies, reveal hidden objects and other fun things.

A long and unique adventure awaits you but Okami didn't sell nearly as many copies as it should have. At least Amaterasu got a few last licks in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3.

While the PS2 original is great, the Wii version supports 480p widescreen, as well as motion controls for the brush strokes.

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