Brainiac 5

DC Comics
DC Comics

This super intelligent being joined the Time Institute in Metropolis on Earth and invented the Time Bubble, which became the primary mode of time travel for the Legion of Super-Heroes. He was attacked by the Green Lantern Corps and saved by The Legion whom he joined. He went on to collaborate with the first Invisible Kid, Lyle Norg, to invent the Legion Flight Rings. Hints were dropped during a rebooted version about a relationship between the Invisble Kid and Brainy. There was also a veiled reference to Brainiac-5 having illicit holo-vids of Invisible Kid.

Element Lad (Jan Arrah)

DC Comics
DC Comics

The lone survivor of a genocide, Element Lad became a member of the Legion of Super Heroes and was called Mystery Lad due to no one really knowing what the withdrawn hero's true powers were. He began to open up after becoming romantically involved with the Science Police's Legion liaison Shvaughn Erin, who was later discover was born a male. When Shvaughn reverts, Jan was unfazed.

Firelord (Pyreus Kril)

Marvel Comics
Marvel Comics

The man who would become the successor of Gabriel Lan aka Air-Walker as the Herald of Galactu had a very close relationship with his hero and mentor. Some would say he idolized Gabriel, while others believe it was infatuation.

Lightning Lass (Ayla Ranzz)

DC Comics
DC Comics

The Legion of Super Heroes member who was also known as Light Lass and Spark was romantically linked to Salu Digby aka Shrinking Violet aka Atom Girl after Violet broke up with Duplicate Boy then ended a short-term romantic relationship with Sun Boy. The relationship was erased following Zero Hour.

Miracleman aka Marvelman

Eclipse Comics
Eclipse Comics

The storylines are too lengthy to go into detail - long story short - Miracleman had a wife who left him, he met and fell for Miraclewoman, but also had over a thousand children via artificial insemination. Miracleman and Miraclewoman resurrected fellow test subject Young Miracleman who doesn't get along with Miraclewoman. She claims YM's probably gay and in love with Miracleman the convinces Miracleman to kiss YM to prove her hypothesis. There are probably easier ways to prove someone's gay.

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