Professional writer for,,,,, and innumerable other sites. He writes the Internet, basically.
Dan Seitz
We’ve Found The Greatest 404 Error Page On The Internet
Everybody surfing the internet runs into it eventually: the dreaded 404 page.
Septic Company Workers Trick Customers Into Buying 70 Years Worth of Toilet Paper
A septic tank company managed to trick several customers into about $1 million in unnecessary products.
Maryland Police Arrest ‘Frosty the Snowman’ for Disorderly Conduct
Ah, the holidays. The only time of the year people can dress up in a weird seasonal character outfit and appear completely sane. And yet, some do not understand this time-honored holiday tradition, and its boundaries. Maybe some people are just too jolly, happy and dumb...
Mila Kunis is GQ Magazine’s ‘Knockout of the Year’ [PICTURE]
Mila Kunis has been declared the "Knockout of the Year" by GQ magazine.
Man Sets New World Record Opening Beer Bottle With His Feet [VIDEO]
A man, known only as Tim R., of Alberta, Canada, holds the world record of opening a beer bottle in with 27.57 seconds...with his feet!
Male Nurses More ‘Manly’ Than Most Men
Male nurses get very little respect. They have what many consider a "women's job" even though they help save lives each and every day.
Marlins Unveil Possibly The Ugliest Sports Uniforms Ever
The Marlins unveiled many new things at a press event last Friday -- a new name (Miami instead of Florida), a new manager in Ozzie Guillen and a new look in game day attire. In sad, but related news, every old person in the state of Florida had a massive stroke at the sight of the new uniforms.
Guy Stacks 3,118 Coins on One Thin Dime [VIDEO]
Tai Star had a dream, a dream of stacking over 3000 coins on one dime. So he gathered up a whole bunch of change and did it. God Bless America.