Beer Yoga Class Asks: Would Free Beer Get You to Try Yoga?
There's not much we wouldn't do for a free beer, but yoga? Ugh, this is one of those Sophie's Choice things, right? (No? That's not what a Sophie's Choice thing is? Whatever, we stand by it.)
Anyway, the Three Rivers Brewery in Farmington, New Mexico, is trying out a novel way to attract new customers, the type of customer who might not consider yoga worth exploring: after doing some yoga, you get to have a beer, then do some more yoga, then get some more beer, etc.
"Beer makes anything better," says Michael Grinell, the yogi teaching the classes at the brewery. And while he's obviously right about that, we're still not sold on this whole thing. He's clearly trying to make doing yoga more appealing by adding beer, but at first glance it sure seems to us like he's making beer less appealing by adding yoga. Like, why can't I just have the beer? Why do I have to stick my leg behind my ear in order to get the beer? Just give me the damn beer already!
Argh, we're getting worked up just thinking about this. But hey, if it sounds good to you, go for it. As for us, we'll be sitting here enjoying a six-pack of Voodoo Doughnut Bacon Maple Ale and perusing girls in yoga pants, thank you very much.
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