8 Meanest Movie Aliens of All Time
Films like 'E.T.' and 'Paul' are endearing tales of lost little alien dudes coming to Earth and facing, um, well, alienation. They use their powers of cuteness to find human companions to help them back to their home planet. That's nice and everything, but we’re not here to talk about them.
This list celebrates the most vile, disgusting and relentlessly evil extraterrestrials ever to grace the silver screen. These aliens have no time for silly notions like "love" and "compassion." They have one simple objective: Destroy.
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'Alien' (1979)
A spaceship crew gets a distress call from deep space, and when they go to investigate they find loads of alien eggs. Everything pretty much goes downhill from there. The aliens have several forms, our favorite of which are the "face huggers," stingray-like creatures that lay eggs inside of your body. And guess where their favorite place to burst out of is? That's right, your abdomen! And those are just the babies; you don’t even want to know about the queen.
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'The Thing' (1982)
An American outpost in Antarctica is torn apart, quite literally, by an alien that crashed into the ice centuries ago. The Thing survives by entering a host and subsequently mutating into an exact copy of it. It gets worse: Each alien cell is its own separate entity, so if the host's head is separated from the body, it can still live on its own. The Thing also has the ability to think like a human, which makes it all the more evil. This movie is in a league of its own as far as special effects go, and you'll find yourself seriously considering purchasing a flame-thrower after watching.
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'Independence Day' (1996)
The invading aliens in this film are actually pretty political -- Come on, they blow up the White House. They have the ability to communicate with humans and are unapologetically evil when doing so. When one alien is asked what it wants the humans to do, it replies, "Die." Meanwhile, Will Smith is married to a stripper and flies a spaceship, both of which come true later in real life.
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'Predator' (1987)
An elite special forces team comprised of America's finest beefcakes (led by Arnold Schwarzenegger, natch) battles an alien that spends its time traveling the galaxy hunting and collecting other species. The Predator also likes to collect bones as trophies and will pull out your spine in a single, swift motion. The Predator has crazy advanced weaponry, sets complex traps and has the ability to become invisible. Oh, and it can laugh. Terrifying.
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'War of the Worlds' (2005 remake)
The Tripods are aliens of the cold and calculating variety. They watched Earth from a distance for a long time, carefully planning their attack, sort of like Space Nazis. After invading our fine planet, they harvested human blood to use as fertilizer on their red space weeds. Worse still, they disable all of the electronic devices in the city! How can we be expected to live tweet the invasion under those conditions? Chilling.
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'Mars Attacks!' (1996)
The aliens in this film are utterly sadistic. Using retro-style laser guns, the martians terrorize the people of Earth for no comprehensible reason other than to be huge jerks. They even perform bizarre scientific experiments on Sara Jessica Parker, although who can really blame them for that? She's always reminded us of Predator, so maybe they felt threatened.
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'Killer Klowns From Outer Space' (1988)
Regular clowns from Earth are terrifying enough as it is, but these alien clowns fly around in spaceships that look like big-top circus tents. They use cotton candy webs to trap their victims, who they later devour like a deep fried mars bar at the state fair. The aliens rapidly reproduce using popcorn kernels that turn into teeny tiny killer clowns. After watching, you'll think twice about that clown you booked for your little sister's birthday, but you should have thought twice long before that, you creep.
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'The Blob' (1958)
The Blob arrived on Earth via a meteor which crashed into a quiet suburban town. It absorbs every person that enters its path, and you know, dissolves them. It has no face, no body, and grows bigger by the minute. Beware the Blob. The End?
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