Skydiver Grabs Hard-Earned Beer While Making Perfect Landing
If everyone who went skydiving was rewarded this way, it'd probably turn into a more popular hobby than coin collecting.
This guy went skydiving (for fun, not to announce where he's going to college) and timed his landing just so he could grab a bottle of beer as he touched the ground. It's a good reminder that you should skydive THEN drink and not drink and skydive. It's also the coolest way to skydive without doing a Rubik's Cube or getting inked.
It was nearly a flawless landing, with the exception of a little bit of spilled suds. Considering the speed he was going, though, we can overlook that.
They say there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but a bottle of beer at the end of a skydive is soooo much better. It's even better than a lame "more popular hobby than coin collecting" analogy. Seriously, does anyone collect coins anymore? With the ability to pay by phone, people would rather they have cooties on them than any combination of nickels and dimes.