Student Busted Watching Porn in Class, Don’t Ask for His Notes
Newsflash: college kids like sex. Yes, it's true.
Most of them, though, know there's a time and place for it.
In this video, a student who forgot to plug his headphones plays porn on his computer during class -- a big class in a lecture hall.
The moans and groans of sheer ecstasy are audible to everyone in the class. Heck, they're probably audible to students across the quad in the student union.
The class has a good laugh when the student realizes what's happening and runs out. The jury is still out about whether or not this video is real, but, even if it's not, it's still worth a chuckle.
We say this guy has nothing to be ashamed of. Watching porn is actually the reason the internet was invented, right? And we'd be willing to bet he's not the first person to fire up his Macbook to watch some X-rated goodness in class. It sure beats listening to your Psych 101 professor drone on and on.