Watch a Marine Survive Sniper’s Shot to His Head
It's one thing to hear about war. It's another to see it.
Watch this Marine in Afghanistan get shot by a sniper in his helmet, then go to safety and remove his headgear. It's pretty intense. The shot itself occurs around the :45 mark. Beware of the NSFW language that follows.
This took place last year and the Marine's brother gave the whole lowdown behind it after he saw it on Reddit:
...this video should not have been leaked, but it's too late for that. This video was taken last year: he had a severe concussion, but he's since returned to the States. Also, he didn't remove his helmet until he was in a place he knew was secure, he described the sensation as having a firework go off in his head."
If nothing else, this video is a chilling reminder of the dangers of war, offering an up-close look we don't normally see.
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