As we're sure you've heard, pop superstar Whitney Houston passed away this weekend at the age of 48.  She was beloved by fans across the world who were touched by her shimmering, powerful voice.  She left a lasting impact on many: young, old, men, women, black, white, serial killers...

Patrick Bateman, he of 'American Pyscho', may have been a deranged madman, but the man knew his 80s pop inside and out.  Throughout the film, the delivered thoughtful soliloquies on artists like Huey Lewis and Phil Collins that wouldn't have been out of place in the pages of Rolling Stone.  And while many celebrities clumsily rush to eulogize the late, great Ms. Houston, few actually say it better than Patrick Bateman (who would later go on to chase a woman out of his apartment with a chainsaw).

Sadly, this clip isn't embeddable by YouTube due to copyright restrictions, but click below to watch the clip and remind yourself why learning to love yourself truly is the greatest love of all.

Patrick Bateman talks Whitney Houston


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