AC/DC Sells 696,000 Singles During Inaugural iTunes Week
Any second thoughts AC/DC may have had about releasing their catalog to iTunes were surely forgotten after sales total from the band's debut week arrived yesterday. U.S. fans downloaded over 48,000 albums from the digital music site, in addition to nearly 700,000 singles.
Billboard reports that 14 songs sold more than 10,000 singles, led by 'Thunderstruck' at 85,000, 'Back in Black' at 68,000 and 'You Shook Me All Night Long' at 64,000. 'Back in Black' was the top selling album, scoring 15,000 downloads by fans hungry for legal downloads of the classic rock legends.
Few rock bands remain as holdouts on iTunes, and after the paydays realized by AC/DC, the Beatles and in 2007 Led Zeppelin it's easy to see why. The Fab Four sold 119,000 digital albums and 1.42 million songs when their music went digital. Led Zeppelin's totals were a more modest 47,000 for albums and 300,000 for songs, although in 2007 not nearly as many music lovers relied on iTunes as they do today.
It's not clear how many fans scooped up the $149.99 Complete Collection bundle, which included just about every album the band has ever recorded. There was also a $99.99 option with less material. One guesses lead singer Brian Johnson is not calling iTunes "a monster" today.
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