‘Duke Porn Star’ Belle Knox Goes on ‘The View,’ Makes Jenny McCarthy Look Dumb
Belle Knox, the 18-year-old porn actor who was recently outed by one of her classmates at Duke, was on 'The View' on Monday to discuss, oh who knows, Anthropology 101? Upcoming student government elections? The Blue Devils' seeding in the NCAA Tournament? Nope. It was about her work in porn, which is helping to pay for the astronomically high costs of college tuition these days.
During the interview, Jenny McCarthy, in particular, came off as incredibly condescending. This is the same Jenny McCarthy, we should remind you, who has also taken her clothes off for money, many times. It's the only reason she's famous. Well, that and her idiotic and dangerous public comments about how vaccines cause autism. (They emphatically and categorically do not.) (More here.) (Or go to HowDoVaccinesCauseAutism.com—NSFW language on that last one, but in a funny way.)
Sherri Shepherd also doesn't seem interested in listening to anything Knox has to say. She simply waits for her chance to talk and then comments that she thinks what Knox is saying sounds rehearsed—by repeatedly saying, in the most-rehearsed-sounding fashion, "My heart breaks." Until, of course, the audience gives her a sympathy round of applause.
Whoopi Goldberg, we should add, handled herself quite well during the interview. Good job, Whoopi!
The whole Belle Knox-being-outed saga has been quite the controversy on the Internet. Many on one side have criticized her decision to go into porn, their arguments basically amounting to simply calling her a whore. But far more, it seems, have defended her, and Knox herself has repeatedly gone on the offensive, thoughtfully explaining her decisions both to work in porn and to reveal herself. It was Knox who, when first contacted by the Duke Chronicle after rumors of a freshman porn star on campus started spreading, responded to a reporter's request for an interview in just three minutes.
The interview on 'The View' is another example of Knox's attempt to, as the pros say, control the narrative. (Incidentally, the guy who outed her has faced quite a bit of backlash himself, leading his regretting that he broke his promise to Knox to keep her secret.)
Knox was asked whether she'll continue to do porn after graduating college. "At this point, I'm not sure," she said. Whether she continues as Belle Knox or decides to stick to her original plan of becoming a civil-rights lawyer, we wish the young lady nothing but the best. Judging by how intelligent and composed she is, she'll probably make a great lawyer one day.
But until then, if she'd like to continue making those fun movies, um, that's fine with us too.
If you want to get to know Belle a bit better, check out her Twitter. (It's NSFW, btw.)