Nationals' ace Gio Gonzalez pitched well on Wednesday in his team's 3-0 win over Miami in chilly Washington, D.C. Gonzalez also hit a home run at the plate. He mashed another in the post-game interview when broadcaster Bob Carpenter asked Gonzalez how he was able to pitch in the bitter cold air of early April.

“It was definitely difficult, especially with this cold weather,” he said. “It was tough to get a grip. I felt like I was making love to my hand. Just one of those things where I was constantly trying to find some grip, somehow, some way. The rosin bag, whatever, licking the fingers. But it felt good after that.”

You know, just trying to find some grip… the rosin bag…licking the fingers. Right, we know, Gio. Use your inside voice, dude, inside voice!

After this comment and the spring training incident in which he suffered rug burn on his forehead while wrestling with his dog, Gonzalez is fast becoming the big league's next great wacky pitcher, as known for his eccentricities as his game performance? He's taking over the legacy handed down from Bill Lee, Mark Fidrych, Oil Can Boyd, Jose Lima, Brian Wilson and others, and the game is better for it.

Just the same, maybe it's time someone made a profile for him (or maybe got him a razor for his palm). It's a long season.

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