10 Hot Girls on Tumblr With Incredibly Messy Rooms
It's a modern cliche: attractive girl goes into her room, stands in front of a mirror, pulls out her phone, clicks, uploads and BANG: Instant eye candy for Tumblr. Notice the glaring absence of "Girl CLEANS room," because, as this photo set shows, it doesn't happen very often. Of course, we could care less if there's a meth-addled wolverine in the room, because we aren't really looking at anything but the girl, but it wouldn't hurt to fold something.
SuppaBadShawty rocks dangerous curves, but 'sup with big messy behind her?
We think we like, but there is a whole lot of scarf-age on that mirror, an unmade bed and is that an upside-down cross?!? Whatever. We're going to hell anyway.
So Skinny Girls' room is messy in the rest of this photo, but trust us: you wouldn't care. At all.
Anna Essecer
Anna is from Russia. In Russia, apparently, room cleans you.
Marisa Amazing
Amazing, indeed, that there is more clothing out of the dresser drawers than inside them.
The Lovely Beautiful
No argument that she is both lovely and beautiful...and messy. Her closet is in perpetual prolapse.
Grace Beraki
Grace seems to be so irresistible that her bed is trying to rise up and make out with her.
It's a New Year's dress, she says. And it looks great on her..... Resolution suggestion: clean room.
That Awkward Moment When I
An intentionally 'hippie' and geeky look, but it works, however that-awkward-moment-when-you...fail to notice that your desk threw up on your bed.
Gina Therese
Not every girl can make lavender hair color work...and even fewer seem to know how to clean up their room.