‘I’ll Have Another’ is Doing Fine
After winning the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes, I’ll Have Another was thisclose to the Triple Crown, but then a tendon injury forced him to retire on Friday before he had a chance to run the Belmont Stakes on Saturday.
Understandably, I'll Have Another was saddened by all this.
Anyway, his fellow thoroughbreds Dullahan, Paynter and Union Rags, who eventually won the Belmont Stakes, decided to cheer up I'll Have Another by taking him to see the best of New York City on Friday, including Times Square, Central Park and Coney Island. SB Nation captured video of it all:
While it's a pretty cute example of how I'll Have Another might have spent a day in New York City, the truth is that Scores, the infamous New York City gentleman's club, should have been included in the itinerary. Also, there is no doubt they would have seen the High Line elevated park, too. Horses <3 parks.
Let's not cry too much over I'll Have Another's missed opportunity at the Triple Crown. Near as we can tell, he's never going to have to race again, and his sole purpose in life from here on out is to sex up lady horses so that his owners can make bank on the sires. That's not exactly the glue factory.
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