Former Playboy Playmate and actress (are we all ok with calling her an actress? Can we take a group vote?) Jenny McCarthy is single, on the prowl and she's looking for… get this…’a regular guy.'


According to a recent interview with America's hardest hitting news source - Access Hollywood – Jenny explains what she is looking for in a potential suitor. Those qualities include:

  • Being a man's man.
  • A “meat and potatoes kinda guy.”
  • A guy through and through.
  • Someone who doesn't bogart her makeup concealer.
  • A nice guy.
  • (Could have) A big nose.
  • (Could be) bald.
  • Sweet.
  • Perfect reflection of who she is.
  • Has a job.
  • Will buy dinners.
  • And oh yeah… doesn't believe in vaccination of children.

    If you meet any, or all, of these criteria please contact Jenny McCarthy and we are sure you’ll be married by June.

    [Via Buzzfeed]

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