‘Justice League’ Casting Report: Which Heroes Got Cut From the Team?
Justice League, assemble! Well, it has... allegedly. While a report came out not too long ago revealing which comic book heroes would be joining the team for its big-screen debut, a new more up-to-date one has come out naming the key players who will go up against 'The Avengers 2' for box office dominance. And one new name has been added into the mix, as well!
The 'Justice League' movie still doesn't have a director, but that doesn't mean the studio can't weed out the team's core members. According to an unnamed source speaking to Latino Review, the superheroes that made the cut are:
No surprises there, but this does contradict some of the original report, which also included Martian Man and Aquaman. But have no fear -- yet. These two guys still have a shot to join the 'Justice League' movie, though their parts would be presumably smaller. The newest tid bit, however, is the latest addition of -- wait for it -- Hawkman! This character's name is reportedly also in the mix for a possible cameo.
Also rumored to appear in 'Justice League' are Lois Lane and Alfred, and we can only hope Michael Caine and Amy Adams will come back to play those roles. In terms of legit casting news, however, it's still too early in the game for solid updates, though we know Joseph Gordon-Levitt revealed his lack of plans to become the new Batman. Plus, Zack Snyder's previous statements have us in the dark with Superman casting -- first saying the 'Man of Steel' story would be its own entity and following up with "I don’t know how ['Justice League' could] move forward without acknowledging [the 'Man of Steel' story].”
While we wait for more solid information, what do you think of the latest 'Justice League' roster? Do you want any other heroes to appear alongside the core five? Give us your theories and hopes for the film in the comments.
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