Kate Upton’s Latest Bikini Shoot, Believe It or Not, Is Pretty Great [VIDEO]
Oh come on, it's not like you could really get tired of Kate Upton wearing bikinis, could you?
Here she is, once again, giving us a behind-the-scenes look at what it's like to be a stunningly hot international superstar model—and the oddly large number of folks who team up to make these photo shoots possible. There's even apparently a person whose job it is to move Kate's bikini around on her boob so that it appears smaller. (The bikini, not the boob.)
So anyway, in case you haven't managed to get into the proper springtime mood yet, this clip shows Kate in all manner of brightly colored, skimpy swimwear (orange, pink, neon green, jarringly bright red—wait, why are we telling you this?), all with a beach background of paradise. Enjoy!