5 Reasons Kofi Kingston Must Turn Heel
The backstage rumblings of the WWE are pointing to a possible Kofi Kingston heel turn. If you've brushed up on your Kofi history, you'd know that this is a huge stretch for his character.
It doesn't matter if you've seen Kofi debut in 2007, or if you just caught him at a house show two weeks ago, he's basically been running the same act the entire time.
As Owen Hart would have said, "enough is enough, and it's time for a change", and here are five reasons that change would be well founded:
A Run at Del Rio
Kofi could finally crack the main event scene, and give Alberto Del Rio a run for his World Title. Kofi has been used numerous times as the guy to put over Alberto Del Rio's Cross-Armbreaker, and it's about time he sought revenge. As enjoyable as Zeb Colter's madness and mustache have been, I'm not sure Jack Swagger is the right guy to take the belt from Del Rio. Kofi Kingston would be a much fresher choice with a much larger upside.
Reunite With Punk
Kofi can team-up with BFF CM Punk again. They've been tag team champions as the heroes, perhaps they could produce an entertaining run with chips on their shoulders. It's well known that these two are great pals, and their chemistry is unquestioned, so it only seems right to reunite them. I'm not sure if Dolph and Big E will take the titles from 'Team Hell NO!' at Wrestlemania, but a Punk/Kofi team could make things even more interesting within the WWE's tag team division.
A New Fued With Randy Orton
A few years ago Kofi and Orton engaged in one of Kofi's strongest feuds. If Kofi were to make his heel turn, he could participate in a rekindling of this feud, but now with the roles being reversed. Orton hasn't been shy about putting guys over since he's returned, and Kofi getting some clean wins in a feud with 'The Viper' could cement his legitimacy as a heel.
He Could Put Over Sin Cara
Kofi hasn't really been pushed to his full potential lately, but a steady feud with an athletic dynamo could be just what the doctor ordered. Kofi turns on the kids, Sin Cara saves the day, and the fans are treated to a bunch of death defying spectacles the likes of which haven't been seen since the days of Edge and Christian versus the Hardy Boyz.
A Battle of 'Showstoppers'
Let's say the other four things on this list take place. What would be the next logical step? Naturally, you'd have Kofi Kingston running around with the World Heavyweight Championship, while calling himself 'The Showstopper.' This would go on from Summerslam until right in time for the Road to Wrestlemania, where HBK would make his annual return to reclaim his moniker. This stuff just writes itself.
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