'Looper' is the upcoming time-travel action film about a mob hitman (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) who kills people sent back by his organization from the future.
All goes well until the mob sends back him, 30 years older (Bruce Willis). Obviously, Gordon-Levitt has a bit of a conflict with this assignment and chaos soon ensues:

We think some sort of hole would be ripped in the time-space continuum if you were able to come back as your self and be killed by your self. We're also thinking that thinking too much about the plot and the realities of what time-travel would mean could give us a headache that would make us want to teleport into the future for Goody's Headache Powder Pixy Stix (which they really should just invent already).

In addition to Gordon-Levitt and Willis, 'Looper' also stars Jeff Daniels, Emily Blunt and Piper Pierabo. It's slated for a late September release.

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