This Hilariously Awful Marriage Proposal Can’t Be Real…Can It?
The only question this woman wants to say “I do” to is “Do you want to beat up your boyfriend?”
This video captures the latest in a long line of marriage proposals gone awry. For starters, it’s in a mall (where the couple met) and, unless you're Tiffany and it's 1986, no woman will be touched by the gesture. Second, there are way too many people (including a cheesy band and a woman mopping behind him) on hand. And, third, a train comes trolling by in the middle of it, making an awkward situation even more so.
By the time Romeo here gets on bended knee, the girlfriend -- who, based on her actions, may not be his girlfriend anymore – has clearly had enough.
The jury is still out whether this was staged or not, but who cares? It’s funny. In either case, we win just by watching.