Man Steals Giant Non-Edible Chicken For Reasons We Can’t Even Imagine
In Brantford, Canada an eight-foot-tall fiberglass chicken was lifted from a chicken farm late at night after an intruder severed the display at the legs. No clucking joke.
The chicken thief then hauled the big bird away on a flatbed truck, much to the amusement of passersby, some of whom even took photos of the getaway. When the police were called, they traced the missing chicken to the suspect's home, where it was found and the man then arrested. The chicken display has since been reunited with its owner and attached back on to its drumsticks.
Why did the 'fowl' individual steal the giant chicken and keep it at his house? Who knows, but 'helping the chicken cross the road' is a solid defense.
[Via CityTV]
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