Psychopath Arrested for Berating Wife Over Bad Grilled Cheese Sandwich
This guy needs help.
Police in Georgia's Athens-Clarke County arrested 55-year-old scumbag James DePaola for going ballistic on his wife after she had the audacity to make him a grilled cheese sandwich with three slices instead of two like he wanted. The nerve of her, right?
Police say DePaola was screaming so intensely that he was spitting in her face.
The couple's preteen daughter called police and said her dad hit her mother and yanked the phone out of the wall, which DePaola admitted, claiming he didn't want his wife to call 911 for a "stupid" reason.
His wife also told authorities her husband has been arrested in the past for abusive behavior and that he was even issued a restraining order. She also said he hasn't gotten physically violent in some time, although he does become enraged and controlling. Further, she didn't think he would hit her because he feared being arrested again.
Wow, this guy sounds like a total nightmare and we hope his wife and daughter remain safe, knowing he's a ticking time bomb. That, and he's a total jerk, which is a PC way of describing what kind of awful human being he really is. No woman should have to endure this kind of behavior.
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