Watch a Reporter Get Punched in the Face By an Angry Father
Richard Wilder lets his father fight his battles.
Wilder’s father was none too pleased that a reporter for WGCL in Atlanta was investigating a report his son was stealing his customers’ tax refunds, so he did what any sane papa would do: he sucker punched the reporter in the face.
While the cameras were rolling.
Reporter Jeff Chirico was doing his due diligence in looking into the story when Wilder’s father showed up and went all Ralph Kramden on him by threatening to bop him in the kisser. Sure enough, after Chirico continued to press the issue by asking more questions, Wilder’s father made good on his promise by delivering a sucker punch that would make Ivan Drago proud.
Chirico was not hurt and, although he threatened to call the police, it’s unclear if he did. Of course, if you were pummeled by a guy twice your age, would you want to call even more attention to it?