Who Couldn’t Use a Coffee Faucet?
Imagine walking into your kitchen, going to your sink and turning a knob but instead of boring old water, a jet of freshly-brewed coffee comes out. Imagine no more - it's real.
The Scanomat TopBrewer totally redefines the modern coffee machine. Instead of unsightly kettles, pots and grinders, all you see of the device is a stainless steel spigot arching up from your counter top. Everything else is hidden. This isn't just a stylistic choice - the guts of this machine are high-tech as hell.
Built from the ground up, the TopBrewer is designed to create barista-grade quality with the touch of a button, and you can set a wide variety of parameters to make your java exactly how you want it. Even better, you can control the whole thing through a special iPhone app. It can even dispense orange juice, for God's sake.
We know what you're thinking and they never said you couldn't use beer.
[Via Scanomat]
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