Maybe the Japanese are getting bored, or just tired of bicycling everywhere, as Honda just announced the release of the Uni-Cub (which is not to be confused with the Uni-Cab, another mini transportation vehicle, but one designed for use on actual streets).

The Uni-Cub is described as a “personal mobility device,” which immediately brings to mind the Segway. But instead, it’s a sitter! Yes, you just sit on the Uni-Cub and its Omni Traction Drive System gets you around in “unobstructed indoor environments.” You use no physical exertion whatsoever, except for controlling speed and direction by shifting your weight – and your weight is sure to grow, since you’re just sitting.

From what we can tell, the only thing that differentiates the Uni-Cub from rolling around in your office chair is that its height puts you at eye level with people who are actually walking, instead of sitting on some weird battery-operated thing that looks like a vacuum cleaner and tops out at around four miles an hour. Also: This thing costs $9,300 and doesn’t even come equipped with a cup holder? And what’s with the goofy name? “Uni” we get, but “Cub?” Is this another example of Japanese affection for cutesy baby animal stuff? Does it mean that there’s a “Uni-Mama Bear” in the works?

OK, so maybe the Uni-Cub has a future as an indoor alternative to wheelchairs and scooters. Guess the rest of us should ignore all the warnings about how bad all that sitting is to our health, and just roll with it.

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