Valentine’s Day Gifts Men Really Want — But Probably Won’t Get
This is it. The terrible day we all love to hate is upon us. You have probably struggled to figure out what to get your special Valentine, but do you think she has been struggling to figure out what to get for you? Are you tired of getting gifts that are more for her than they are for you?
It seems like Valentine’s Day is always for the women, but shouldn’t it be about the men too? Shouldn’t you be getting spoiled? We say yes you should, so here’s a list of seven things you should definitely ask for this year.
1. Aston Martin One-77
If she really loved you she would shell out the $1.3 million on this beautiful piece of automobile craftsmanship just to see the look on your face when you find it in the driveway. Well, the look on your face after she revives you when you faint on the driveway. Just looking at this car puts all other vehicles to shame. And, the good news for her is that it’s not cheating if you’re in love with a car.
2. DeLorean
If your tastes lean more to the retro side of the car spectrum, production is starting up again on the classic 80s fave made famous by ‘Back to the Future,’ the DeLorean. The new ones aren’t rumored to have any time traveling capabilities, but you can probably add the flux capacitor yourself. Read your warranty first. If you don’t want to wait for the new ones to hit the market, you can always ask your girlfriend to get you a classic, well-preserved pre-owned for about $40,000 or $50,000.
3. Ducati Diavel AMG
Maybe you already have a hot car and are wishing for something of the two-wheeled persuasion. If that’s the case, you should ask her to get on the phone and order up a limited edition Ducati Diavel AMG. These things are so new, they haven’t even been priced in the US yet. But, if the US price is comparable to the European price, she’s only going to have to drop around $35,000 to make you happy on the day of hearts. Every girl should get CCs for her sweetie.
4. National Geographic Adventure
Getting out on the open road is great, but you should ask your girlfriend to send you on a real adventure. National Geographic has a long list of international expeditions she could buy for you, from dog sledding to unforgettable mountain trail hikes in the most exotic locations. Tell her she can stay home and eat those chocolates you got her if you can go on a safari and hike Mount Kilimanjaro. That seems like a good deal for her for only $6495.
5. Fantasy Sports Camp
If you’re a sports guy, the adventure you want is a chance to develop your basketball skills with the king of hoops himself, Michael Jordan. Your Valentine’s Day wish list must include Michael Jordan’s Senior Flight School. This one is tricky though, because right now there is no camp planned for 2012. What you have to do is talk her into ponying up the $15,000 and then bugging the organizers and Mr. Jordan’s people until they decide to go ahead and do it. It would help if you got all your friends’ girlfriends to do the same thing for them.
6. A Man Cave
Your lady can also keep you at home for Valentine’s Day, if she builds you the ultimate man cave. It needs big, thick, manly furniture. There should be at least one giant TV with every channel imaginable. This man cave should also have plenty of space for keeping a wide variety of beer ice cold, as well as a place for making stronger beverages if you want them. A pool table is a must and other games and video game systems should also be included. The whole thing should be themed in your favorite manly hobby and she should spare no expense. Here are some examples she can use for inspiration.
7. Tickets to a Playboy Mansion Party
This is the ultimate gift a wife or girlfriend could give. If you put this on your list and she gets it for you, you know she really cares about you and trusts you to go enjoy yourself, but behave as a gentleman. The Playboy Golf Lingerie and Pajama Party is on March 31and your ticket in is just a few clicks away. What’s not to love about golf, lingerie, pajamas and the Playboy Mansion? This isn’t the kind of gift she’ll have to worry about you returning. Although, for $27,500, you might consider getting the money instead of the free drinks and scantily clad women, but only for a moment.
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