Wrestler Sean ‘X-Pac’ Waltman Tore Up His Anus in the Middle of a Match
You may need to sit down for this, because one pro wrestler may never sit down again.
During a wrestling event in honor of the retirement of pro wrestling promoter Jerry Lynn in Minneapolis, Minn. on Saturday, wrestler Sean Waltman, whom WWE and WCW wrestling fans may best remember as X-Pac or the 1-2-3 Kid, tore open his anus after hitting the corner turnbuckle while attempting to execute a "Bronco Buster."
Here's a video of Waltman doing the Bronco Buster correctly:
On Saturday, Waltman's opponent moved and, well, ughhhhhh… His girlfriend Alicia Webb explained what happened next:
"We don't know if there is a medical term for it...but he did a bronco buster last night that literally ripped his a** apart! :-/ Lost a lot of blood! Had surgery this morning and is on the road to recovery! Believe it or not..this has happened to him once before!"
You know how you're always landing awkwardly onto turnbuckles and tearing your poop chute open like it was a Doritos bag? No, no you don't. Between the pain and the blood, we can't imagine why Waltman would keep doing the Bronco Buster after he mashed his turdcutter the first time.
He tweeted Monday that he will be released from the hospital later today, so all's well that ends well.