CJ Senter, also known as the "Workout Kid" and "Child Motivator," is a 10-year-old fitness machine who loves to display his washboard stomach as a testament to diet and exercise. CJ wants to encourage other kids to stay physically fit and active. We'd like to encourage CJ Senter to simmer down with the whole "check out my abs" schtick.

Kids should eat right, exercise and blah blah childhood obesity yada yada get off the couch. Especially if they want to live long enough to see equals like Justin Bieber kick the bucket (though that anti-Christ is going to live forever). Kids don't need abs. Kids also don't need to make grown men feel bad because they don't have abs. If we start seeing kids with six-packs hogging up the crunch machines at the gym, we're putting corn syrup in every elementary school water fountain.

Watch the video and feel even worse about those four slices of pizza you had for lunch.

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