Phil Villarreal

Screwing Santa Over: 5 Ways To Win Christmas Gift Exchanges
Ah, the holidays -- A time of boundless cheer, goodwill toward men and bountiful generosity. Poppycock.
Whether or not you realize it, the gift-giving season is a cutthroat battle of attrition, plagued with lose-lose transactions in which loved ones rack up debt to swap things they don’t want or need
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10 TV Shows That Suck Now — And Why We Can’t Stop Watching Them
Just like any relationship, the love between a man and a TV show doesn't last. It starts off all hot and heavy.
You're pulling all-nighters to mainline entire seasons on Netflix, reading fan sites when you're supposed to be working and naming pets after characters. And then thi
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9 Box Office Busts That Became Cult Hits
Whether you're talking sports, movies or your sex life, it's always more fun to root for the underdog. Quality flicks that flop at the box office tend to pick up a more fervent, zealous following than the Avengers and Dark Knights of the world. Here are...

10 Most Realistic Football Movies
Maybe all the women's trampoline and beach volleyball wrought by the Olympics have distracted you from your one true love, but it's already football time.
With the NFL preseason well underway, you're probably looking for a football movie or two... or 10, to g
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‘Expendables 2′ Cast — 10 Actors We Wanted in the Sequel
'The Expendables 2' has yet to open — it stumbles into theaters Aug. 17 — but it's not too early to start dreaming of cast additions for the inevitable third leg of the trilogy. Heck, it's not too early to start wishing for people to appear in the sequel.

Worst NES Games Ever No. 5 — Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Throwing away most everything that made the original Zelda great, the slapped-together follow-up finds a tiny Link doll waddling through a needlessly huge overworld, only to transform into a spindly doofus who hops through side-scrolling levels when he's confronted with a monster or enters a town or dungeon...

Worst NES Games Ever No. 9 — Anticipation
"Ya know what's wrong with connect the dots?" one producer must have said to another. "There's not enough Ouija Board in it." And hence, Anticipation was born.
Billing itself as Nintendo's first board game, it asked you to pass the controller around as you took turns guessing the name of the connect-the-dots object onscreen through the tedious process of scrolling through the a

Worst NES Games Ever No. 6 — Track & Field II
If there's one way to simulate the abilities of Olympic athletes, the developers figured, it was the pounding of the A button until your skin starts to peel off. No matter whether you choe triple jump, canoeing, pole vault or any other of the events, your job was to pound that A button to build up your power level...

Worst NES Games Ever No. 4 — Urban Champion
The one-on-one fighter is all about punching, blocking and avoiding falling down a sewer while dodging flower pots dropped by people who must be annoyed you couldn't find anything better to play.
Your opponent never changes, you can never move on to a more interesting background and there are no special moves or even much strategy to put into play...

The 10 Worst NES Games Ever
Although the NES had its highs, giving us some of our favorite gaming memories, it definitely wasn't shy about drilling us with stinkers at regular intervals. Here are the 10 NES games that made us cry, starting with number 10:
Wrecking Crew — At least one of the crappy single-screen Mario games deserved a spot on this list, and we went back and forth between this and Mario Bros...

Worst NES Games Ever No. 8 — Deadly Towers
NES games were notoriously tough, but this one took things overboard. You play as a dagger-tossing prince who tries to kill impossible-to-kill creatures and find hidden shops to upgrade his equipment in order to make the creatures only slightly impossible to kill...

Worst NES Games Ever No. 2 — Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
No game inspired as much controller-slamming rage as this brutal side-scroller. Memories of the water-set disable-the-bomb level still creep into our nightmares, and thoughts of tangling with the ridiculous bosses still makes us shudder...

Worst NES Games Ever No. 3 — Bill & Ted’s Excellent Video Game Adventure
One way to make your game last longer is to make item you need to advance impossible to find.
Bill and Ted's goes a step farther by filling each level with crazed enemies you have to avoid, giving you no time to look for stuff. Each level has a historical figure you need to find and draw into your time machine with you with one of these un-findable items by switching between two heroes stuck in pa

Worst NES Games Ever No. 7 — The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants
Back when The Simpsons was new, we begged our parents for anything with Bart's face on it, and convinced myself that the crappy t-shirts, this game and The Simpsons Sing the Blues cassette tape were all amazing. Hindsight shows us the error of our ways...

Worst NES Games Ever No. 1 — 10-Yard Fight
We'd forgive an ancient football game for the inability to include the proper number of players on the field, but it's tougher to overlook forgetting to include things like correct scoring and plays.
This rugby-like abomination avoids a soundtrack in favor of the repetitive sounds of players' footsteps and dives...

‘Chuck Darwin’s Extinction Squad’ Mobile Game Review
In the world of Chuck Darwin's Extinction Squad, all it takes to save endangered species is to hang out underneath cliffs the animals march off of, holding out a stretcher that bounced the little fuzzballs to safety.

Whoever Left 7K Pounds Of Pot In The Ocean, Please Come Claim It
Potheads are known for being forgetful, but someone took the stereotype to the extreme, leaving 7,000 pounds of marijuana valued at $3.6 million just floating off the coast of Orange County, California.

‘Power Tools’ Mobile App Review
Unless you spend a bunch of time in a garage, it's not always second nature to know which power tool to use for which ill-advised do-it-yourself project. It's bad enough that our projects always end in injury and the shame of paying a handyman -- or wilting as we beg our disapproving father-in-law to work for free -- to fix up our failures.

Sea Lion Vehicle Makes All Your James Bond Fantasies Come True
Imagine tearing down the highway at 180 mph, then careening off a pier, having your ride transform into a watercraft and burning through the wet stuff at 60 mph. What used to be the stuff of James Bond fantasies is now reality, in the form of the Sea Lion, an amphibious beast created by inventor Marc Witt.

‘Cool Guy’ Mobile App Review
Some guys are blessed with a natural sense of style. They choose the right look effortlessly, turn ladies' heads and get other dudes to subconsciously copy their looks. These guys actually understand what matches what without having to pull out a color chart and a protractor.