
‘The Last Stand’ Red Band NSFW Trailer: Arnie Fights a “Psychopath with a Batmobile”
‘The Last Stand’ Red Band NSFW Trailer: Arnie Fights a “Psychopath with a Batmobile”
‘The Last Stand’ Red Band NSFW Trailer: Arnie Fights a “Psychopath with a Batmobile”
After spending a couple years governating, Arnold Schwarzenegger has returned to the big screen with a vengeance. He's got 'The Last Stand' coming next week, then a film where he's pitted against Sylvester Stallone in September, and another picture lined up for next January, on top of talks of playing Conan the Barbarian again and the proposed 'Twins' sequel. We're going to be seeing a lot of Arni
The Fairer Sex Files
The Fairer Sex Files
The Fairer Sex Files
We like to think we're pretty funny, despite what our significant others/mothers/everyone we know says. Some people just don't know how to appreciate a well-crafted joke. "You're so corny," and "that's horrifically un-funny" are just funny ways of saying "I love you," as far as we're concerned.
Invited to Super Bowl
Invited to Super Bowl
Invited to Super Bowl
Remember Sam Gordon, the 9-year-old female version of Tecmo Bo Jackson? So does NFL commissioner Roger Goodell. Her Pee Wee football highlight reel and gaudy season stats got the attention of NFL executives. She was invited to the Super Bowl in New Orleans after hanging out with Goodell at a Giants game.
Print My Ride
Print My Ride
Print My Ride
Jesse loves Toyota Land Cruisers. He also loves making models out of paper and cardboard. Of course those two affections would collide -- introducing Papercruisers. Jesse brings his love of modeling and cars to the public with these awesome cardboard and paper replicas of his favorite rides...
Insane Fireworks
Insane Fireworks
Insane Fireworks
New York's Times Square may be the most famous destination in the world to ring in the new year, but it's got nothing on Dubai, which held a massive New Year's extravaganza culminating in an insanely ornate fireworks display.
Polar Bear Club Swim
Polar Bear Club Swim
Polar Bear Club Swim
Some people believe that the way you spend the first day of the new year is an indication of how the rest of your your year will be. If this holds any water, my 2013 is going to be really weird, and really awesome.
In 19 Minutes
In 19 Minutes
In 19 Minutes
This is a story that sounds gets less interesting the more you read about it. Allow us to explain, though really you've got no choice but to let us, so stop acting like you've got power in this relationship. When we first saw the story we thought the guy ate an entire hobbit, which is incredibly impressive considering the average hobbit probably tastes like crap...

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