Married Couple Has Worn Matching Outfits Every Day For Decades
Marriage is a strange, even difficult, thing. At times you have to think up things to keep it exciting and entertaining. We suggest assorted ointments and the Lionel Ritchie album.
This elderly couple from Nebraska, who have been married for 64 years, dress in the same Tommy Bahama shirts and polyester pants every day to keep the magic alive. We still say ointments and Lionel.
In an attempt to show their devotion of love the couple decided years ago to wear matching outfits every single daay. Joey Schwanke, 81, and Mel Schwanke, 86, can’t even remember when the bizarre idea started. The couple together own 146 custom made matching outfits. Joey, the wife, usually picks out the outfits everyday and coordinates them properly.
We’re not sure if it's endearing or odd but what's really freaking us out is the fact we have all the same outfits.
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