Guardians of Middle-Earth Goes For Glory With Gloin
There's a new hero coming to Guardians of Middle-Earth! He's known as the son of Groin (go ahead and chuckle; we won't judge), and is part of the company that wants to retake the Misty Mountains. His name rhymes with at least one other dwarf's in the crew and he goes on to father Gimli. Who is he? It's Gloin!
Dwarves are excellent sprinters and this one's making a hasty dash towards Guardians of Middle-Earth, ready to be its next new hero.
According to a press release, this Warrior-type hero has some hot new abilities that will definitely help on any battlefield:
- A Bit of Fire: Damages nearby enemies and gives Glóin haste
- Durin’s Line: Damages all enemies in a target area
- Dwarven Stubbornness: Increased resistances and lights enemies on fire that strike him
- Mighty Axe: Medium range area attack with damage and stun
Check out the trailer below and let us know if you'll be downloading Gloin to add to your team! If you're a PlayStation Plus member, you can download the game for free between February 4th, 2013 through March 4th, 2013!
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