Guy Gets Job By Putting His Face On Billboard
It's so tough to find a job out there that no gimmick is too desperate or pathetic. Just look at a guy from Minneapolis who was so hard up for a job that he blew his meager funds for some face time on an electronic billboard, begging someone -- anyone -- to hire him.
Lucky for the daring self-promoter, it worked. KARE 11 reports 22-year-old Bennett Olson, the dude behind the bizarre-yet-effective overture, landed a gig at a 3D scanning company as a sales and marketing associate.
The billboard move, which cost him $300, apparently turned him into something of a hot property, judging from this smug quote:
"After receiving quite a bit of attention, support and ultimately interviews I felt that Laser Design & GKS Services was the right fit because they are a young, yet established company which will provide me with the opportunity to learn and grow my career."
Olson's face was only in the billboard's rotation for 24 hours. We've spent $300 on far worse. So has this dude, judging from the fact that his previous job was at a casino.
We're happy for Bennett, not because of the job, but because his face and ad are now out of billboard rotation and replaced with more ads for the 'The Client List' on Lifetime.