Much like every other website, we get a ton of emails. Aside from the Nigerian lotteries and offers for discounts on dinosaurs, we occasionally get serious questions, requests, complaints and inquires from the general public. Naturally, we don't take them seriously at all.

Here are those emails, along with our courteous responses. Names have been changed, just in case, but horrific spelling and grammar has not.

To: GuySpeed
Fr: Jeanne
Subject: Stop it!

I keep getting GS posts on my Facebook.  How can I get you to stop it!   I
want nothing to do with this site.    I am a 66 yr old lady.

Sent from my iPad


To: Jeanne
Fr: GuySpeed
RE: Stop it!

If you're a 66-year-old woman that can work an iPad, we're confident you can figure out how to unlike a Facebook page.


To: GuySpeed
Fr: "anomounous"
Subject: Hey sexy mug shot

Check out the girl in Ohio her name is _______ she is 20
and dame right beautiful I know this girl personally so I would hope u keep
me anomounous thanks

Sent from my iPhone


To: anomounous
Fr: GuySpeed
RE: Hey sexy mug shot

Thanks for the tip! We'll add her to our collection. We're obviously referring to the collection on our bedroom wall.

To: GuySpeed
From:   Lisa
Subject:  ORDER


I got a recommendation of you from one of your customers I will love to have your online catalogue and quotes.



To: Lisa
From:   GuySpeed

Sure thing Lisa! Here is our catalogue.

And here is a quote -- "I want to get a vending machine, with fun sized candy bars, and the glass in front is a magnifying glass. You'll be mad, but it will be too late." -- Mitch Hedberg

Let us know if you need anything else.


To: GuySpeed
From: Ted
Subject: pictures of National TOpless Day

Can you send me there pics uncensored?


To: Ted
From: GuySpeed
RE: pictures of National TOpless Day


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