Man Delivers Pizza After Getting Stabbed, Robbed and Carjacked and You’re a Total Wuss
Think you're a good worker because you made it through your shift with that paper cut? Well, this guy puts you to shame.
Josh Lewis, 25, made a delivery in Louisville, Ken. even after he was stabbed, robbed, carjacked and suffered a collapsed lung. Lewis, described as a great worker, was also carjacked and had been robbed while he making a delivery for Spinelli's Pizzeria to Norton Hospital, which, in retrospect, turned out to be a pretty fortuitous place to be sent.
Spinelli's regional manager Willow Rouben told the Courier-Journal Lewis is tough as nails:
"It's surreal. I can't believe it happened to him. As he was taking the pizzas out of his car and walking to deliver the pizza, he was stabbed in the back. Believe it or not, he got his pizzas delivered and collapsed in the ER."
Doctors rushed Lewis into surgery. He's expected to recover.
Authorities don't have any leads in the case right now.
These are certainly heady times for the pizza industry, which really ought to let prospective employees know how action-packed the business is becoming.
If Lewis doesn't win employee of the month for this, he really ought to consider finding a new job.
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