Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine Goes on Facebook Rant About Men’s Warehouse
Breaking news from Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine! According to the legendary thrash musician, the Men's Warehouse shop in Salt Lake City, Utah, has sub-par delivery service. That's right: As of 11:11 PM PST on Dec. 28, 2012, Megadeth tour manager Jim Carroccio was yet to receive a gift certificate that Mustaine ordered from the outlet. Thankfully, Mustaine has documented the case and posted a lengthy description on Megadeth's Facebook page.
Megadeth's 5 million Facebook followers were treated to the story right before the new year. In a note aptly titled, 'Men's Warehouse,' Mustaine detailed his recent trouble with the chain, all stemming from a gift certificate the red-headed shredder gave to Jim Carroccio.
Beginning with the perfect intro for a Mustaine rant, "You know me, I don't complain much in writing," the Megadeth frontman writes:
I know that not all of you have the kind of job that requires a suit, or wear a suit when you (if you) go to any kind of faith-based service, court date, wedding or funeral, but if you do…you are going to want to read this. You know me, I don’t complain much in writing, but I gotta get this off my chest.
A few days before Christmas I purchased a gift certificate from the Men’s Warehouse in Salt Lake City, Utah as a gift for our awesome tour manager Jim Carroccio. You know the Men’s Warehouse…the old geezer with the voice that sound like he has chain-smoked since he was a fetus; the one that espouses, “I absolutely guarantee you’re gonna like the way you look,” or some manure like that, right?
Well, I was talking to Jim today and wondering why he didn’t say anything (I think we all wonder sometimes when our loved ones or friends get gifts if they actually like them) and it turns out that they decided to hold my order, otherwise called by them as “pending,” and told no one. For almost 9 days now I have been waiting for delivery of this gift certificate, and I wouldn’t say anything because it IS the holidays, but these salesmen promised that they would GUARANTEE a two-day delivery of the certificate to Jim (it seems they throw this word GUARANTEE around quite a lot).
So, we called and asked what happened and they have no explanation whatsoever, they didn’t care, and when we asked if they were going to do anything to remedy this, they made no effort whatsoever for this mix-up…although they did promise me the same GUARANTEE that they gave me when I bought it; that is that they will send it “two-day delivery,” but I already was promised this. Maybe they mean 12 day delivery.
I really think that it sucks when people make false claims, that they don’t care to make good on a problem that is clearly their fault, and with all of the “ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE IT” crap I just had to say something. We are all living in very tight financial times right now, and like I said, you may not wear a suit for your job or for an event or occasion, but if you do, I would strongly recommend you wear someone else’s suits. Go to Jos. A Bank instead. I for one, will never set foot in a Men’s Warehouse, even for shelter from a blizzard.
I absolutely GUARANTEE it.
Dave Mustaine
We'll be sure to update fans immediately when Carroccio receives his eloquent, yet reasonably priced shipment.
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