His Own Show?
His Own Show?
His Own Show?
Two-time NBA All-Star Baron Davis was last seen writhing in pain after suffering a knee injury while playing for the New York Knicks last May. A stylish dresser throughout his pro career, Davis, 33, never officially retired, but now he's headed to the Esquire Network (formerly G4) to host a TV show about athletes and other cultural professionals who are setting trends for today's men...
New ‘Hangover 3′ Trailer Promises ‘It All Ends’
New ‘Hangover 3′ Trailer Promises ‘It All Ends’
New ‘Hangover 3′ Trailer Promises ‘It All Ends’
A new trailer for 'Hangover 3' has hit the web. It will be the final movie in the trilogy and promises to send the boys out in hilarious "Wolf Pack" style. Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms and Zack Galifianakis are back (and so is Justin Bartha but who really cares) for one last mission in the name of insanity...
Big League Chewers
Big League Chewers
Big League Chewers
In news of product ideas that would never get approved if they were pitched today, Big League Chew — the bubble gum that was shredded to resemble chewing tobacco — has signed Matt Kemp of the Los Angeles Dodgers and Cole Hamels of the Philadelphia Phillies as celebrity endorsers.
With Scorpion Bite
With Scorpion Bite
With Scorpion Bite
The injury bug has hit the Milwaukee Brewers in a rather strange way. Brewers general manager Doug Melvin spent three hours in a Scottsdale, Arizona hospital Wednesday night after he was stung by a scorpion in the condo where he’s staying during spring training...
Sofia's Got Guns
Sofia's Got Guns
Sofia's Got Guns
Sofia Vergara is in 'Machete Kills', the sequel to the successful Robert Rodriguez flick staring Danny Trejo and a whole lot of blood. In the sneak peek posters, Vergara lets the world know her breasts have a featured role in the film. Check out the cannons attached to those cannons...
Rope Swing Ever
Rope Swing Ever
Rope Swing Ever
We’ve all been there: It’s a Saturday afternoon, you’re bored, and you apparently have no instinct for self-preservation. So of course you think, “Hey, why don’t a jump off a cliff with just a ½ inch rope standing between me and certain death?”  Well, maybe you can get a few pointers from these guys.
It Was Delightful
It Was Delightful
It Was Delightful
Erin Andrews and Ronda Rousey hung out at the big announcement of FOX Sports 1 on Tuesday in New York City. Well, they hung out long enough to take this picture. Andrews posted the photo on her Instagram account for the world to drool all over...
Asteroid Coming!
Asteroid Coming!
Asteroid Coming!
A giant asteroid the size of a football field is scheduled to pass through Earth’s atmosphere over the weekend. Scientists say that the 330-foot-wide fiery rock will miss striking the Earth’s surface by nearly 600,000 miles - about three times the distance between our planet and the moon.
For Some Reason
For Some Reason
For Some Reason
Shaq is bored in his retirement. So bored in fact he's playing one-on-one games against former pop star Aaron Carter as "payback" for his 2001 song 'How I Beat Shaq.' Next, he'll play a two-on-one all against all the people who remember Aaron Carter...
'I Stand By It'
'I Stand By It'
'I Stand By It'
Denver Broncos linebacker Von Miller may be only 23, but in his two years in the NFL he’s made two Pro Bowls and has registered 30 sacks and several different post-sack celebration dances.
Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts to Wrestle in WWE?
Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts to Wrestle in WWE?
Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts to Wrestle in WWE?
The always vocal, but not always while sober, Jake 'The Snake' Roberts paid a visit to the Busted Open radio show and spoke candidly about his time in the WWE, his troubled past, his new sober existence and the fact he hasn't been included in the WWE Hall of Fame.
Lucas Spills the Beans
Lucas Spills the Beans
Lucas Spills the Beans
In a move akin to blowing out your sister’s birthday candles at her own party, George Lucas went above Disney and announced the return of the three biggest leads in the upcoming Star Wars movie—Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher. That's probably why he's making this face.

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