Rihanna Takes a Vacation and Then Takes Her Clothes Off
The gorgeous Rihanna took a quick trip to Hawaii. She wanted to keep her adoring public abreast (PUN!) of the fun she was having in the sun, so she shared some of her vacation photos on her Facebook page.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could all take a nice trip to Hawaii? Wouldn't it be even better if Rihanna was also there, and she was topless? If only everyone's vacation pictures turned out like this set. We wouldn't mind sitting through all those slideshows at family gatherings.
"Here is our breakfast with hula dancers. Here is where Rihanna went topless while we were eating lunch. Here is where we met Don Ho. Wait, go back to which picture? Don Ho?"
Get a look at her complete vacation album here, and please try not to make any lay/leis jokes. It's beneath us all.