It's time for another installment of 'You Think You Know Movies'! Where last we revealed some cool facts about the first 'Star Wars' movie and Marvel's 'The Avengers,' we now take a trip outside the realm of sci-fi and superheroes with 'Mean Girls.'
Amanda Seyfried appears nude in 'Lovelace' - this we pretty much knew, considering it's a biopic based on the life of legendary adult film star Linda Lovelace. While some audience members at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival premiere were taken aback by the nudity, Seyfried herself didn't think much of it and spoke out about any potential controversy.
We hope you guys are fans of great boobs, because we're going to be racking up the racks in the final 30 of our 100 Hottest Women of 2014. We've brought D'Jango's girl, Black Widow, a black swan, Saffron from 'Serenity' and Sarah Palin for you guys to drool over...
Rising young star Amanda Seyfried has signed on to play Linda Lovelace in 'Lovelace,' one of two Hollywood stories about the famed porn star and her abusive relationship with husband and the porn industry at large.